Play the amazing third level completely for free

Hi to all.

There be a while since we post our last message here. Now we want to give you a good new to you. We have decided to allow the free access to the third level, to anyone that want it. The third level is the biggest level at the present on our project and it has some characters not appearing on previous levels. There is only one requisite to get access to this amazing level:  Give us a good rating, and send us an email with your itchio´s user name (so we wil be able to check your rating), and, in the same email, give us your user name on Invasion (so we will be able to give you access to the third level). That's all.

So, now you know it. Play completely for free, alone, or with your friends the amazing third level.

Best Regards

ps: you must send the message to with the required data, and with the subject: I want access to third level.

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